The beauty that is you

Full Woman Full Spirit
2 min readApr 9, 2021

There is no one standard definition of beauty, it is a phrase I say to myself, whenever I come across an article in a magazine or on the streets of social media. This should not be hard, we all do not look alike, and a number on the scale or a dress size should not have as much power over what you think or feel about yourself.

I remember growing up, and the woman who made my hair never failed to complement how I was beautiful in that “your black dey shine” tone. I knew I was beautiful, my parents may not have expressly said it. However they implied it every time and I never felt for a second that I was not a very “fine girl”. That was some twenty something or more years ago, and times have certainly changed. Who decided that a certain type of beauty was the only acceptable one?. Whoever they are they are wrong!. I avoid conversations on body positivism, because these topics are more than a forty-character tweet, or even a blog post. It would take a desire to have open honest conversations without having to label any view that does not “fit into the mold” of what is considered as being the popular view as being “offensive”.

There is also the place for parents reinforcing these things in their kids, in celebrating the kid that does not have good grades, along with the “star” kid. It is also teaching ourselves everyday, that while certain images we come across on social media paint a picture of perfection, it is Not the standard. There is no standard, everyone person is beautiful and unique in the way that God created them to be.

I have never believed that anyone had to be a certain size, weight, before they consider themselves as being beautiful. Maybe that is what we should be reinforcing in an “image conscious driven age”



Full Woman Full Spirit

Full woman Full spirit is a Bini woman, Nigerian. She loves writing, it is a somewhat hobby. She occasionally blogs on word-press. A believer in the cross.