Full Woman Full Spirit
2 min readApr 5, 2023


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This post is designed to discuss working from home from the perspective of fullwoman. It may not apply to your specific situation and that’s fine.

1. Create your office space/ workstation.

While it is your house, so technically, anywhere you choose can become your office. It helps to map out a space. If you have kids or even people living with you, you could get distracted when they barge in or if you have to be on a work call. Having your space helps you set some boundaries and much needed privacy to make phone calls and zoom calls.

2. Create an office schedule, a note pad or stick notes on your table to remind you of your tasks. Stick notes work for me everytime. I am reminded of what I should do and what tasks need to be completed. It helps you stay focused, and you are able to complete all your pending tasks.

Photo by Magnet.me on Unsplash

It is a plus if you atleast dress up in anything other than your sleep wear. You never know when you might have to turn on your video in a meeting whilst still in your night wear. That is definitely not the look you are going for.

3. Create home boundaries. I work from home, and sometimes that means folks at home assume I am available. By creating boundaries , especially if you live with other people they recognise that you are on “office time”. So they learn to adjust, which they would have done anyway if you had to go into a physical office.

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

4. The last point is knowing or creating your work hours. Some people wake up earlier because its quiet, they are early risers and complete their tasks before noon. Some others may find themselves working past closing hours because they are at home. It’s good to discuss these issues with your office management from time to time.

I do think the future of work lies in flexibility. That strict office hours may become gradually abandoned especially in careers that do not necessarily require a physical presence daily. The focus should be on productivity and efficiency.




Full Woman Full Spirit

Full woman Full spirit is a Bini woman, Nigerian. She loves writing, it is a somewhat hobby. She occasionally blogs on word-press. A believer in the cross.